
2019-08-12 16:45:14 来源:中华文藏交易中心

  Silver yuan, which originated in the 15th century and was first minted in Europe, was introduced to China in the 16th century. It was minted in the Guangxu period, but it was not officially issued in large quantities until the Republic of China. Over the past 100 years, there have been thousands of silver dollars circulating in China, and more than 10,000 versions, which can be said to be a "big family" of modern currencies.

  During the 1911 Revolution, Emperor Xuantong of the Qing Dynasty announced his abdication, and the feudal system that lasted for more than two thousand years came to an abrupt end. In January 1912, the Government of the Republic of China was established. Sun Yat-sen, the father of the Republic of China, took office as the interim president of the Republic of China, and issued the "Provisional Presidential Decree", sampled copper coins of the Qing Dynasty, and encouraged the founding of commemorative coins, the Founding commemorative coin. It was in this historical period that Hunan Province built two flags to make twenty pieces of money.


  After the founding of the Republic of China, copper yuan continued to circulate in large quantities. In 1914, the copper coin was officially renamed "copper coin". The biggest difference between the copper coin issued by the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty was that the dragon pattern was replaced by the Jiahe grain composed of rice ears. Most of the copper coins cast in the provinces are flag patterns with two forks, marked with the words "Founding Commemorative Coin" or "Copper Coin of the Republic of China".



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